About Me
Judy Timperon
I read something the other day that moved me. It was a comment that stated people want what you do, not because of what it is, but because of who you are. So although I am an experienced Natural Success Coach and Advanced EFT Practitioner, I want to start by telling you who I am and what I believe.

I am passionate about the work I do as I believe
- We can all develop our intuition and use this to Create
- We are all Genius’s at Creating (including creating what we don’t want)
- You can accomplish almost anything if you know how to Focus and take some Action towards it.
- All of our Limiting Beliefs are here to keep us safe, and with the right tools and structure we can move beyond this to create a truly fulfilling life
- By letting go of toxic thoughts and emotions we can empower ourselves – and in my work as a Natural Success Coach and Tapping Practitioner, we have the tools to do this.
- When we are triggered by someone, (often a family member) or something (e.g. a health crisis), we can find the underlying cause and help you heal.
- The human spirit is magnificent, and I believe that we are all capable of kindness and love.
- Nothing is so bad that it can’t be healed.
- What we feed and nourish our body with (food as well as thoughts) has a huge impact on our health and vitality.
- We deserve to feel love – within ourselves and with a connection to others.
Helping You Create Magic
Coaching is my passion and I am dedicated to being of servicee. I feel such a great sense of satisfaction by helping clients to manage their tension, achieve health, happiness and regain their natural vitality. When we tap into our Intuition and learn to follow our heart and take inspired Action, we can Create Magic.
You may come to me for the Therapy, but stay for the Magic – by doing this you can Create the life you truly desire. It is within your reach, you just need the Structure to achieve it. My life has certainly transformed since doing this work – it’s so rewarding to not be ‘healing’ myself all the time, but instead Creating. This is the missing link!
Along with Natural Success Coaching, which is where I focus most of my time, I am a qualified Practitioner of Tapping (EFT). The Tapping is the Therapy, the Natural Success Coaching is the Magic!
I want to help you make peace with the things that prevent you from living a life you love, and it would be a pleasure help you in your journey to Create the Life you truly desire, and to provide you with the strategies to deal with your triggers, stress and psychological tension.